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[时间:2016-1-1 18:52:59  阅读:5955次][字体:字体颜色]





    四、活动对象:1012 10人 儿童团体


.Class opening and review .

1.Greetings and free talk : How are you today ?

                       How’s the weather today ?

                       What day is it? /What’s the date ?

2.Play a game : “Find Neighbours .”

Put the sentences in the correct number : How old are you ?

                                 How tall are you ?

                                 What is your address ?

                                 Where do you live ?

[设计意图:有效的复习句型。举行的掌握一直都是教学的一个难点,只靠free talk的形式进行复习,只能在口语方面巩固。通过这个单词排序的游戏,可以给学生以直观的视觉,记忆效果更好。]

3.Review the colours : red , yellow , green , blue , pink , purple , orange , brown , black , white .

T : Look ! -----is wearing a beautiful coat . What colour is it ?

  Class , can you say the other numbers we have learnt before ?

. New concept .

1.(PPT) Demonstrate “map” .

T : What’s this ? Yes , it’s a map .

   It’s a map of the world .

2.Show the word card and demonstrate “China” .

T : What country is it ?

S : It’s 中国。

T : Yes . It’sChina. What colour isChina?

S : Red .

T :Chinais our country . We live inChina. We loveChina.

S : We loveChina.


T :Beijingis the capital city ofChina.


3. Demonstrate “Canada,  theU.S., theU.K.,Australia” with the same way .

4.(PPT) Do the exercise .

Look ! This is a ___ of the world . What colour isChina?Chinais ___.Canadais ___ .Australiais ___ . TheU.S.is ___ . The ___ is blue .

5.Ok , now let’s have a rest .Let’s play a small game . “Say and Point”

Teacher point to the directions and let the students say out .

6. Chant together ( stand up )

Up, up, point up. ↑      Down, down, point down.

Left, left, point left. ←    Right, right, point right. →

 [设计意图:学生经过半节课的学习已经进入疲惫状态,所以我用生动活泼的歌谣进行热身,能在短时间内把学生的注意力吸引到课堂中来,同时还复习了本节课要用到的词汇:up,  down, right, left, point.]

7.(PPT) Demonstrate the directions : north , south , east , west .

East or west, home is best.


South points up , north points down . West points left , east points right .

8.Drill : Teacher say the word and students do the action .

9.Let’s chant together .

 North, north, north points up. ↑ 

 South, south, south points down. ↓

West, west, west points left. ←

East, east, east points right. →  


10.(CAI) Listen to the text and read after it .

11.Do the activity books.

.Class closing .


1. Introduce countries and directions on the map.

2. Write the following words eight times and recite them:

country ,  map ,  north ,  south ,  west ,  east





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