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[时间:2016-1-1 18:38:24  阅读:6341次][字体:字体颜色]







    四、活动对象: 8-12岁,人数20人,亲子




1.  Greeting.

2.  About the film

T: we’ve seen the film “Finding Nemo” for a long time. Do you still remember the film?  This is a story of a clown fish named Marlin, trying to find his son Nemo who was taken away by a diver. On the way to find Nemo, they met many difficulties and friends. Look! These are (sharks, jellyfish, whales, gulls, pelicans, sea turtles.

3.  Dubbing Show

T: OK. Here are many teachers today. Do you want to give our guests some dubbing show?

C: Yes.

T: OK. The first clip. Let’s watch it again.

(Watching the film clip)

T: This is Nemo’s first day of school. Which pair can dub it?

(dub the clip)

T: Well done. OK, next clip. Watch it first. I don’t think you have forgotten it, yes?

Which group can give us a dubbing show?

4.  Analyze the Characters

T: You dubbed very well. What do you think of these characters: Marlin, Nemo, Gill, Darla. Can you choose them into right place? You can discuss in your groups.

Look up the new words with your dictionary.

T: who can give us your opinion.

Marlin:  nervous,  over-protective

Nemo: cute, lovely, lively, bookish

Gill: warm-hearted, smart, brave

Darla: boring, bad temper, awful

T: Darla is not kind. So we should not do like her. Don’t treat the animals or the weak person like that. Do you like Nemo’s friends in the tank?  Why?

Just an old saying goes: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

5.  New Passage

T: OK, class. Today let’s dub a new clip. You have got the lines already. It’s easier to say, and the word’s speed is slow. See?

First, let’s look at some new words here.

T: Any problems?

T: Which group can read your lines according to your own explanation?

T: You read well. What’s the tone of this passage in the film? Let’s watch it!

(Watch the film clip)

T: OK, Marlin’s words is the most. At first he is very anxious. Then the tone becomes very concerned. At last, he is very proud of his experience. The tone of Nemo is very weak. The last words of  Dory is full of curious.

6.  Imitate the film clip

Imitate the clip sentence by sentence. Ask the students pay attention to the mood of the actors.

T: OK. This time let’s follow the film. Can you say it a little weaker/ more anxiously/ loudly/ deeply/ softly/ full of concerned?

7.  Drama time

Role play in groups. The teacher guides them.

T: OK, class. Now let’s practice in groups. Every three students in a group, Marlin, Nemo, and Dory.

8.  Dubbing time

T: first let’s dub it together. Watch the lines below carefully.

T: I want some group to dub it in front.

9.  Show time

Give the students more chance to act out the clip.

10. Appreciate a song of this film

T: you’re good imitator. Ok, finally, let’s appreciate a song of this film to feel the love around us.


Dubbing class III



七、物品准备:原声电影一部 多媒体大屏幕


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